Sioux County Democrats
The Sioux County Democrats are the political party of inclusion because, like America itself, Iowa is a diverse state of people, nationalities and faith. Our elected leaders come from various backgrounds and professions, each of them motivated by a strong sense of community and a desire to get things done on behalf of the people of Iowa.
Below are the members of the Sioux County Democrats Central Committee who are working to make Iowa a better place to live:

Elizabeth Holtrop
Elizabeth also serves as the Sioux County Democrats Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Chair and as a member of the Iowa Democratic Party’s DEI and Rules Committees

Central Committee Members
Name, Precinct
Murray Andersen, Alton, Nassau
Sharon Bouma, Sioux Center No. 3
Jimmy Bouma-Holtrop, Sioux Center No. 3
Dan Cain, Ireton, Center, Eagle E, Reading, Washington E
Ginger Culpepper, Sioux Center No. 1, Welcome
Scott Culpepper, Sioux Center No. 1, Welcome
Kellie Den Hartog, Rock Valley No. 2
Diana Gonzalez, Orange City No. 1/Holland SW
Greta Grond, Hull/Lincoln
Laura Janssen, Sioux Center No. 2
Theo Jongerius, Orange City No. 1, Holland SW
Luan McQuown, Capel, Grant, Lynn, Sheridan
Paula Meendering, Capel, Grant, Lynn, Sheridan
Jen Schon, Orange City No. 2, Holland SE
Dana Van Ostrand, Orange City No. 2, Holland SE