Join the Sioux County Democrats
An organization of the people, representing the people—that is who we are. If you would like to learn how you can become a member of the Sioux County Democrats Central Committee, please read the information below, then reach out to us by emailing
Q: What is a County Central Committee Member (CCCM)?
A: A CCCM formally represents their precinct at the quarterly Sioux County Central Committee meetings. This important role should not be confused with a Precinct Chair (the individual who runs your precinct’s caucus) or a precinct leader/captain (a role usually assigned to a local activist by a campaign or a similar organization). In some precincts, it is not uncommon for an individual to fill more than one of these roles simultaneously.
Q: What is a County Central Committee and why do they meet?
A: The Sioux County Central Committee is the governing body of the Sioux County Democrats. As such, they make all the business decisions for the county party.
Q: How many CCCMs and alternates do each precinct typically have?
A: Ideally, each precinct should have two representatives on the Central Committee and two alternates. If
there are precincts without representatives, Democrats from other precincts may serve in their place as at-large representatives.
Q: How does someone become a CCCM?
A: There are three ways one can become a member (or an alternate) of the County Central
1) Be elected by a majority vote at an even-year caucus.
2) Be elected by a majority vote to fill a vacant seat during an odd-year caucus.
3) Be nominated for election at a Central Committee meeting to fill a vacancy.
Q: What are the responsibilities of a CCCM?
A: Technically a CCCM’s only responsibility is to show up and represent their precinct at the county party’s official Central Committee meetings. That, as they say, is the ground floor. If we are going to win elections, we need leaders and activists in all of our precincts pushing for excellence. Here are some skills that can come in handy if you’re going to be an all-star CCCM:
Phone banking
Community organizing
Postcard writing
Attending events
Door knocking
Event planning
Public speaking
Policy researching
Relationship building
New member recruiting
Q: Does a CCCM need to have all of the above-mentioned skills?
A: No, of course not. All a CCCM needs to do is show up and participate in the county party’s official Central Committee meetings.
Q: How often does the county party hold its official meetings?
A: It varies from county to county; however, the Sioux County Democrats meet at least four times per year.
Q: Where can I find more information about the county party structure and the role of a CCCM?
A: The basic principles and responsibilities of the County Central Committees are presented in the constitution and bylaws of the Iowa Democratic Party.